Are my items authentic? Yes. Everything sold by Buying From Bri is 100% authentic.
Are items new or used? Everything is new and unworn.
Where are items purchased? This information is not provided to customers.
Are you a wholesaler? No. We are not affiliated with any of the brands offered. We are a personal shopping service that will shop items for you.
How do I know my size in Golden Goose sneakers? Sizing information will be listed in the description of the item. If you have sizing questions regarding Golden Goose sneakers specifically, please visit Buying From Bri's channel on YouTube and watch the video titled "BuyingFromBri | Golden Goose Sizing, Comfort Tips, and Lace Tying."
Can you hold my items? Everything available is first come, first serve.
Do you price match? No. Prices are as listed.
Can I cancel my order? Once a transaction has been completed, the order cannot be canceled. All purchases are final sale.
Can I exchange my items? No, all sales are final.
What is presale and what’s the policy? “PRESALE” means the item is NOT in inventory, and it is being purchased specifically for you after payment is received. Items typically come in after about a week or two, but the presale policy is up to 21 business days. After 21 business days, you will be contacted with a plan forward.
What if my presale item is no longer available after I pay? The payment authorization on your card will be cancelled and you will receive a cancellation email.
Do you replace items if they become flawed after wear? No, Buying from Bri stands behind the quality in which you received your item, as they go through thorough quality checks. After the item has been used or worn, it is your responsibility if anything happens to the item. We are not affiliated with any of the brands offered, and we do not offer any kind of post-usage quality guarantee.
How do I contact customer service? Customer Service can be reached via email: info@buyingfrombri.com. Do not private message on Instagram for Customer Service needs.
What payment methods are accepted? All major credit cards and Klarna.
Do I have to pay sales tax? Sales tax is collected on purchases in the state of Mississippi.
Where can you ship? USA only.
How much is shipping? Shipping is $8 for orders under $100. Shipping is $15 for orders between $100 and $999. Shipping is free on purchases over $1000.
When are orders shipped? Orders are processed on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday only.
Is my order insured? Orders are insured if Route Package Protection is purchased. If you do not purchase this protection, then you are assuming FULL responsibility for the order if it is lost, stolen, or damaged. If your package is lost and you did not purchase Route, please do NOT dispute the charge. This is extremely unfair to Buying From Bri as shipping insurance was offered to you.
What shipping service is used? USPS or UPS.
Do I receive tracking information? Yes, this information will be emailed to you once your order has been shipped to you.
How do I contact customer service? Via email, online chat, or Instagram.
Have another question? Contact us at info@buyingfrombri.com.